to Design Excellence
in customized systems are expensive. The farther you are in
the process, the more costly they become as the cost of system
changes increase geometrically as you progress through the development
cycle. It's a lot cheaper to fix a design when it's still "on
paper" than once that system is live. Identify your errors
and omissions early, while they are cheap to repair, by creating
thorough functional requirements, and control the entire design,
development and deployment process through the use of a complete
UML OO design environment like TogetherSoft Control Center. |
Application Development (JAD) sessions or the newer Class, Relationship,
and Collaboration (CRC) card sessions for Unified Modeling Language
(UML) developments are a good way to begin the process of requirements
gathering. The process should result in a complete functional requirements
document. With object oriented design, written requirements should
be supplemented with a Use Case model identifying the people and
other systems that interact during the use of the system. It is
also a good practice to create a system prototype of the user interface,
enabling the users to check the look and feel of the system, and
to ensure that the interface operates as needed. The purpose of
functional requirements is to identify what the user of the system
needs rather than defining the technology behind it.
specifications translate business requirements into a technical
architecture and design. Use of computer aided design tools help
to catch omissions. Walkthoughs of the design with all participants
are a critical best practice to ensure completeness prior to coding.
you are developing the system, routinely run test cases. The Use
Cases you created for the functional requirements can be reused
to construct your test cases. It's not only efficient, it ensures
that there is a test for every function; the key goal for testing.
eSolutions is expert in all phases of system design and development.
For help in defining requirements, creating the technical design,
managing the project or mentoring your team, Contact
Us. We're here to help.
Copyright ©
JJ Kuhl 2002